See Moscow in motion

Traffic Congestion Index
out of 10
36th of 38 cities
Percentage of Green Spaces
% of city area
2nd of 38 cities
Public Transport Expense
% of monthly income
22nd of 38 cities
Official Docked City Bikes
bikes per 1000 people
26th of 38 cities


How well are we connected within the city? Do we have an intelligent transport system that makes movement between districts easy and efficient for all? Do we have a congestion solution? The way a city is connected affects the way that we live.


A visual comparison of key connectivity indicators across all cities.

Public Transport Efficiency


How long will I have to wait until the next bus? Will I be stranded for an hour if I miss this train? We analyzed the frequency of public transport services around the city, uncovering the regions where you can get moving quickly, and those which will leave you waiting.
Public Transport Frequency
trips per stop per day
5th of 38 cities
A measure of how often a public transport service calls at a public transport stop. Calculated based on average numbers of trips per public transport stop, per day.
Public Transport vs Car Speed
of 38 cities
The ratio between average journey time by public transport and by car (excluding time spent parking). We randomly selected random points of interest around the city and then compared average journey times between them, at hourly intervals between 6AM and 8PM.

Public Transport Efficiency


Which regions of the city are well served by public transport and which are poorly connected? The density of public transport stops is a key indicator of mobility accessibility – something which can greatly impact quality of life, economic opportunities and social wellbeing. Hover over the map to see variations in stop density.
Public Transport Coverage
% of city area
36th of 38 cities
The total area of the city within 1km of a public transport stop, relative to the total area of the city.
Public Transport Density
stops per 1000 people
34th of 38 cities
The number of public transport stops per 1000 city residents.

Traffic Flow


Am I going to get delayed in traffic if I take the car today? When should I leave, if I want to avoid a jam? By processing vast amounts of traffic data, we generated rich insight into patterns of city congestion. Hover over a city to discover how its levels of congestion change throughout the week.
Traffic Congestion Index
out of 10
36th of 38 cities
A measure of city congestion during peak times. We compared the flow of traffic during weekday rush hours (6-10AM and 4-8PM) to an ideal free-flow environment. This index is represented on a scale of 0-10 where 0 is least congested and 10 is most congested.
Time Delay in Traffic
mins per 100 km
34th of 38 cities
A measure of the extra time spent driving due to traffic congestion. Calculated by comparing journey times for 100km (62 mi) travelled during peak times (6-10AM and 4-8PM on weekdays) with journey times for those roads when traffic moves freely.
Percentage of Congested Roads
% of road network
36th of 38 cities
The percentage of roads congested at peak times (6-10AM and 4-8PM on weekdays). Calculated by comparing the total length of congested roadway segments with the total length of a city’s road network.


Smart cities of tomorrow will embrace sustainability, working towards a low-carbon future that improves health and quality of life.


A visual comparison of key sustainability indicators across all cities.

Green Spaces and Low Emission Zones

Green spaces not only improve air quality but enhance citizen wellbeing and provide green areas for active forms of mobility, such as cycling. Many cities are now introducing Low Emission Zones to provide similar benefits. 
Percentage of Green Spaces
% of city area
2nd of 38 cities
The percentage of a city’s area which is covered in accessible green space. Calculated by considering the area covered by green spaces, such as parks, lakes and woodland, relative to the total area of the city. 
Percentage of Low Emission Zones
% of city area
21st of 38 cities
The proportion of a city’s area for which a restrictive low emissions policy is in place. Calculated by considering the area of a city covered by a Low Emission Zone relative to the total area of the city.


Affordable mobility changes how a city moves, enabling the flow of people, boosting economic potential and enhancing social wellbeing.


A visual comparison of key affordability indicators across all cities.

Public Transport Expense

How much of my monthly salary am I going to have to spend on public transport or a liter of fuel? The cost of transport is a key factor in determining the equality and accessibility of mobility. Roll over the graph below to see how this cost varies between cities.
Public Transport Expense
% of monthly income
22nd of 38 cities
The cost of a monthly transport pass as a percentage of monthly income. We calculated this based on the relative costs of a monthly public transport ticket and mean net monthly income.
Relative Fuel Cost
of 38 cities
The average cost of fuel relative to income per capita. We calculated the affordability of fuel by averaging prices from the city’s gas stations and comparing them to mean net monthly income.


Cities that respond to changing mobility demands with innovative solutions and new technologies will be the early winners of the smart city revolution.


A visual comparison of key innovation indicators across all cities.

EV Charging Stations

As the EV revolution gathers pace, smart cities must adapt to provide the infrastructure this new form of mobility demands. The map below shows the distribution of electrical vehicle charging stations across the city. 
Official Docked City Bikes
bikes per 1000 people
26th of 38 cities
The number of official city bikes provided per 1000 city residents. Calculated based on the number of dock-based, city-approved schemes.
EV Charging Station Density
stations per 1m people
34th of 38 cities
A measure of the availability of EV charging stations within a city. Calculated based on the number of charging stations available per million city residents. 
Metro Rail Automation
% of metro rail network
21st of 38 cities
The percentage of a city's metro rail system automated to Grade-of-Automation 3 or 4 as defined by the IEC 62290-1 standard. We calculated this using measurements based on line-service length.

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